Wellness POP Plan.

Make your day super powered weaving together plant medicine, lifestyle tips & nutrition support


A deep dive into your life covering family history, lifestyle, nutrition, acute or chronic health concerns – these are all helpful in understanding the 'big picture' necessary for your holistic plan.

An action plan will be formulated to support your current symptoms, health goals & treatment direction with easy manageable steps, at your own pace.

Various tools are used such as therapeutic nutrition, physical actions, lifestyle motivators, herbal medicines or supplements and may include recommendations to other health professionals or investigative testing.

Your action plan will be presented at your follow up appointment.

Your Wellness plan overview:

1 x health review (60 - 90 minutes duration)

*Bonus Vitamin & Mineral Real Food Fridge chart

$180 USD

Kind Words:

“I suffered anxiety, panic attacks and was menopausal, basically in a right state! With Nic’s support, herb tonics, teas and some self care techniques put in place was a happy camper and back to myself within a few weeks. The follow up’s were great to keep me on track – thanks!”

— Petra H (Auckland)