
POP botanicals Herbal medicine

Your super power is being an energetic healthy focussed and calm parent RIGHT?

Let’s guide you back to FAB with Nic as your support crew, helping you connect the dots of your life experience and health story so far and weaving in simple tools to create lasting vibrant changes, without more overwhelm.

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Naturopath by lemon tree in garden

Hi I'm Nic

Combining all my experiences in the health & wellness space for over 25 years as a massage therapist, owner of a retreat space and herbalist has felt like a natural progression in bringing it all together as a naturopath. 

I love helping people create health and wellness naturally, regain their energy & vitality, using the power of amazing plant medicine that has been used since 'forever' traditionally and backed by science.

I started supporting massage clients in my Wellington, NZ clinic, with my handcrafted plant medicine & skincare botanicals as I completed my herbal diploma & degree. I have continued both passions since the early 2000's as part of Tara Retreat, our retreat in magical Mangawhai, NZ.

As a super busy parent myself - running a business, with children as well as my own parents to look after, the classic 'sandwich generation', led me to working with many in the same situation. 

Parents with gut issues, stress, brain fog, fatigue, aches & pain, peri-menopause and more. 

The burn out was real, the constant tummy pain was real & not being able to think straight cos I had so many 'to do' lists was frustrating - FRAZZLED yes that was me! So here I am today with the support & tools for my long lasting health and now I am here to help guide other super busy parents on their own health journey.

What I offer you:

• A compassionate safe space for you to tell me your story. Enabling me to bring all the elements of your health, family history,

life journey so far and weave into your wellness plan. 

• My experience & knowledge to educate and empower you to be in charge of your own health 

• Working with simple tools at your own pace . 

• To be your support crew that sometimes gives you a wee nudge & gentle encouragement to keep you on track

• The beneficial plant powered remedies blended with intuition & backed by traditional use and researched science.

The 3C’s POP Botanicals Mantra

Your CHOICE with your COMMITMENT and CONSISTENCY as key = Exceptional health

The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine:

1. First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere)

2. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturae)

3. Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam)

4. Physician as Teacher (Docere)

5. Treat the Whole Person (Tolle totum)

6. Prevention is best (Praevenic)

My belief is that we are made of many parts and utilising many different tools to nurture and balance all our different aspects – physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, is important for happiness and health.

'We are multi dimensional beings having a human experience'

– Lukis Mac – Owaken Breathwork


Bachelor of Natural Medicine from South Pacific College of Natural Medicine NZ (2015)

Diploma Therapeutic Massage Association NZ (1998)


Professional Member of NMHNZ (The Naturopaths & Medical Herbalists of NZ Inc)

Kind Words

“I suffered anxiety, panic attacks and was menopausal, basically in a right state! With Nic’s support, herb tonics, teas and some self care techniques put in place was a happy camper and back to myself within a few weeks. The follow up’s were great to keep me on track – thanks!”

— Petra H (Auckland)

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